Welcome to the Scorpio Full Moon. Buckle up guys! This is a Super moon, which means that everything will be more powerful, potent, and amplified!

Firstly – Scorpio is a water sign and is all about TRANSFORMATION (one of my fave words!!).

Scorpio is all about cycles. I feel this deeply. I have the format channel of 42/53 in my HD chart, my life is ruled by the cycles that I enter. When working with Scorpio energy, it is all about the cycles of deaths and rebirths. Remember during the Aries new moon we were talking about completing things in order for there to be space for new things to land? This energy continues on, but with a new intensity.

Things need to come to their natural conclusion, their death, in order for new things to be born.

This can equally terrifying and amazing.


Things can be hard to let go of. There are some things we just can’t let die – pardon the pun!

But this Supermoon is REALLY going to bring those things that you dont want to face out of the shadows and right into the light. And you can harness this energy to transmute that darkness into light. 

If you allow it, through intense emotions and all of the watery feels, they will rise within you. Probably with a ferocity that you dont see coming! Intensity is a theme with scorpio energy! But we can use the intensity to our advantage!

So yes, you may feel quite emotional. You may feel sensitive. You may find deep deep past wounds are coming back to the surface for you. 

Robert Frost says “ the only way out is through”. My interpretation of this is that in order to heal, to get “out,” we must embrace these emotions wholeheartedly, without shame and judgement. With awareness, compassion, and love for ourselves.

Explore it all.

Surrender to the intensity.

 Let the emotions wash over you.

 Allow them to take you over. 

It can be painful (emotionally), uncomfortable – all the things. 

But once you sit with it all, you can start to face whatever’s been hiding deep within.

Face it and embrace it so that you can feel it to heal it. 

Because after the death comes the rebirth.


Our emotions and our vulnerabilities are heightened, but so it is our intuition and our connection to our higher self.

This is the time for healing. To find clarity and truth in what needs to be released.

I read that this is a powerful portal for releasing work and I FELT that. 

Whenever we have an emotional release, whenever we start to become aware of these patterns or behaviors, we can know that there is growth on the other side. 

And with growth comes transformation.

Are you nourishing yourself?

What do you need to let go of in order to move forward?

Who would you be if you didn’t have xyz holding you back?

How would you show up in the world?

Let those answers guide you and empower you to move through this full moon with grace and compassion for yourself. 


The moon begins in Gate 27 – The Gate of Caring. This gate is all about nourishment and the instinct to nurture and care for the people around you. This tribal energy is normally directed to the people closest to you, your inner circle.

So you may feel the impulse to really focus our attention on your loved ones, and pour nurturing energy into them. But with the intensity of this full moon its important to FIRST tend to your own feelings and needs, and THEN direct it towards others.

This Scorpio Full Moon may highlight any areas in your life that you are overgiving and overdoing, when your own cup is completely empty. It can provide clarity on where you are lacking boundaries and potentially leaking energy. 

It can be a beautiful reminder that our needs and emotions are important too. To fill up your own cup first, and let others receive your caring energy from the overflow. 

**Please note we will still be in the energy of the Scorpio Full Moon when the Sun transitions to gate 24

We highly recommend a releasing ritual to support you to work with this energy.

Release what is no longer serving you, cleanse anything that is causing you energetic harm. Allow the space for more expansive opportunities, events and people to come into your life. 

Go easy on yourself, be gentle with yourself, but also don’t forget your true power.

THIS is where the magic happens.