
emBODY - Deconditioning Through the Centres Masterclass Series

We pair Human Design and Breathwork to help you learn to recognise the self sabotaging patterns in your each of your Centres.

Use the power of the Breath to release these energies and align with your highest potential.

 Week Program

Our signature Program - be guided by both of us in our zone of genius!

We show you how to work through the blocks that are keeping you exactly where you are so you can take back your power and move forward with clarity, purpose and alignment.

Meet Your Guides - Matt and Nat

Matt is a Rebirthing Breathwork facilitator and Nat is a Human Design Coach and Mentor. We work with clients every single day teaching them how to use these tools to discover the truth of who they are and live a conscious life they love on their own terms. 

Human Design & Breathwork are the most powerful tools we have ever come across to help us understand who we are, why we are here, why we think and feel the way we do, what is stopping us, and most importantly - how to move through that and embody who we truly are - authentically at our core.

Understanding our unique Human Design allowed us both to heal our relationship to ourself first - and then with each other. We started to trust ourself, open our heart back up and let our intuition guide us.  We became better communicators, our relationship and business began to thrive, and we are filled with more purpose and passion then ever.

NOW- we take care of our energy, our vibration and our inner state. We fill ourselves up so that we have enough to ourselves and the world. 

We truly believe that GETTING STILL USING THE BREATH and learning to ALIGN TO YOUR DESIGN is the key to unlocking your true self and your potential.

It is not about what is happening in your life. It is about how you RESPOND to what is happening. That is where your power lies.

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