emBODY - a Series of 6 Masterclasses that combine Human Design + Breathwork to support you in Deconditioning.

The work we do to help you align to your Human Design is like nothing you've ever come across before. We combine our zones of Genius - Human Design & Breathwork - to create magic - dissolving patterns, cultivating inner wisdom and rapid transformation!

This is NEXT LEVEL healing that combines the cutting edge somatic practice of Breathwork with the most empowering self awareness tool out there  -your Human Design Chart - to allow you to completely step into and emBODY the person you came here to be.

We take a unique, holistic, trauma informed approach - because we KNOW, from working with countless clients, that living your Human Design can only happen if you get into the body.

You can read + learn all you want about the system, but until you are connecting to your own body, all you’re doing is THINKING (and remember - the mind is NEVER your Authority!)

You will learn to recognise the self sabotaging patterns in your each of your Centres, and use the power of the Breath to release these energies and align with your highest potential. 

Our mission is to take Human Design out of the head and into the body, so that you can truly emBODY your design and live as your true self.

THIS is the key to unlocking your true self and your potential.

Instant access upon purchase.

emBODY Masterclass Series Outline

Masterclass 1  - Introduction to Deconditioning

  • Understand how conditioning works
  • Discover the deconditioning process
  • Overview of the your Energy Type and Authority
  • Begin your journey of self-discovery and self-connection
  • Guided Breathwork sequence

Masterclass 2 - The Head and Ajna Centres: Deconditioning Over Thinking and Certainty

  • A deeper look at the Head and Ajna Centre. We will be covering the shadow/gift frequencies of both the the Defined and Undefined centre
  • Guided breathwork sequence
  • Self reflection and processing

Masterclass 3 - Throat and Spleen Centre: Expression and Self-Trust

  • A deeper look at the Throat and Spleen Centre. We will be covering the shadow/gift frequencies of both the the Defined and Undefined centre.
  • Guided Breathwork sequence
  • Self reflection and processing  

Masterclass 4 - G Centre and Heart Centre: Worthiness and Identity

  • A deeper look at the G Centre and Heart Centre. We will be covering the shadow/gift frequencies of both the the Defined and Undefined centre.
  • Guided Breathwork sequence
  • Self reflection and processing

Masterclass 5 - Solar Plexus Centre: Emotion and Feelings

  • A deeper look at the Solar Plexus  Centre. We will be covering the shadow/gift frequencies of both the the Defined and Undefined centre.
  • Guided Breathwork Sequence
  • Self reflection and processing

Masterclass 6 - Sacral and Root Centres: Burnout and Stress

  • A deeper look at the Sacral and Root Centre. We will be covering the shadow/gift frequencies of both the the Defined and Undefined centre.
  • Guided Breathwork sequence
  • Self reflection and processing

Bonus Material!!!

  • Authority Video
  • Centres Cheat Sheet
  • Guided Breathwork Audio Session

It's time to stop letting your CONDITIONING dictate your life... Become your own true Authority

Do you ever feel like ....

You need to be certain and make up your mind in order to feel intelligent and respected?

You are fighting for attention and to be heard?

You need to prove yourself and your worth to others?

You need to 'keep the peace' and avoid conflict at all costs?

You hold onto relationships, jobs, places WAAAY longer than you should?

You are under constant pressure to do something or figure things out?

 If you resonate with the above, then you are still being held back by your conditioning that keeps you stuck in your Not-Self and unable to emBODY your design. 

Human Design gives you the KEY to unlock the true power that you hold within.

We know what it is like. When you first learn about your Human Design, you feel so seen and so heard.

There is nothing like discovering that there is nothing wrong with you, and that you think and feel certain ways for a reason.

It is all right there in your chart.

But the truth is we are all deeply conditioned beings. 

Conditioning comes from outside influences - the people in your life, societal norms and cultures, the planetary movements, etc. Now -  not all conditioning is 'good or bad'.

But since you are constantly taking energy in and out, you can take that energy in, believe it is yours and store it within your body.

Without awareness - this energy can overwhelm you and leave you feeling stressed, burnt out and off path.

The first place to look at conditioning is in your Centres. Both Defined and Open Centres have lower expressions (shadow frequency) as well as the high expression (potential/gift frequency)

This is where can get stuck in self sabotaging patterns/behaviours that do not serve you. This leads to making decisions on what you “should” be doing rather than what your soul is truly desiring, and you can come against a lot of resistance in your life.

Maybe you know what your patterns are, but can't break out of them. Or perhaps you are totally unaware of them. Either way, deconditioning work is vital in order to start living your Human Design.

Unless and until you start to bring awareness to your conditioning, you will be stuck on repeat!

Here's the thing: awareness of your patterns and behaviours is not enough. These deeply held patterns need to find a way to come to the surface and be resolved.

This is where our unique offering comes in.

How would it feel to ..

Embrace uncertainty and be open to endless possibilities?

Become wise to emotional energy?

Be able to express yourself and speak your truth freely?

Know that you are inherently worthy because you exist?

Be free of the pressure you feel to keep up with the world?

Understanding not only your conditioning, but the energetics behind the root cause will allow you alchemise your wounds into wisdom.

Each Masterclass has Breathwork sequence will help you gain insight into your life experience with that particular Energy Centre, with space to feel, heal, and release these patterns.

This also works for conditioning you are aware of or unaware of. 

Breathwork has the power to tap into the subconscious mind to access these deeply stored patterns.

We are going to guide you to decondition from your past self-sabotaging habits and  patterns and create new more empowering ones that will help you create the life you truly desire

Ultimately, you will become wise on which is inherently yours and what is not yours to hold onto. The goal is to OBSERVE energy rather than ABSORB it.

Combining these two powerful modalities allows you to do the powerful inner work to integrate the parts of yourself that you may try to reject, hide, suppress or deny - so that you bring LOVE to ALL OF YOU.

It's time to take your Human Design experiment to the next level and emBODY your Human Design.

Access the EmBODY Masterclass Series NOW!

Meet Your Guides - Matt and Nat

Matt is a Rebirthing Breathwork facilitator and Nat is a Human Design Coach and Mentor. 

We work with clients every single day teaching them how to use these tools to discover the truth of who they are and live a conscious life they love on their own terms. 

Human Design & Breathwork are the most powerful tools we have ever come across to help us understand who we are, why we are here, why we think and feel the way we do, what is stopping us, and most importantly - how to move through that and embody who we truly are - authentically at our core.

Understanding our unique Human Design allowed us both to heal our relationship to ourself first - and then with each other. We each started to trust ourselves, open our heart back up and let our intuition guide us.  

We became better communicators, our relationship and business began to thrive, and we are filled with more purpose and passion then ever.

NOW- we take care of our energy, our vibration and our inner state. We fill ourselves up so that we have enough to ourselves and the world. 

We truly believe that GETTING STILL USING THE BREATH and learning to ALIGN TO YOUR DESIGN is the key to unlocking your true self and your potential.

It is not about what is happening in your life. It is about how you RESPOND to what is happening. 

That is where your power lies.

What People are saying about our emBODY Masterclass Series

Silent Power

 As a Projector, I realised that I had been using up my energy frantically, looking for invitations and talking without being invited (Open Throat) . I can see how those energy leaks contributed to my burnout. Now I am learning to resist the urge to always speak and using the power of my silence to find the right invitations.


I'm Not Broken

With this call I noticed I went out afterwards with a sense of calm like I didn’t feel anxious for any reason which was so calming.

I found the whole thing so informative like "Hey I'm not broken".



You helped me decondition my undefined G Centre. I'm not supposed to define myself and that's fricking beautiful! That's a lot of pressure now gone! Thank you (l)


Intuitive Guide

Sign up Now!

Your Human Design chart helps you to become aware of your conditioned patterns so that you can decondition and become your true self.

emBODY will change the game in your Human Design experiment and empower you to TRULY emBODY your design.

There is nothing quite like it out there!!

This series of 6 Masterclasses + 3 Bonus Modules take you on a powerful and transformational journey. 

 Clear + release energy that is not yours and start living your life aligned to your own unique energetic gifts.

Join on us on this epic journey back to YOU.

 A journey of looking deep within so you can find the courage and strength to challenge those old stories, break the loop and create a magical life.

This program is going to support you in TUNING BACK INTO YOUR OWN ESSENCE.

Gain access to the emBODY - Deconditioning through the Centre's Masterclass Series below.

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