How To Align With And Embody Your Human Design

Want to know how Human Design can actually transform your life and bring you into alignment with your truest, most authentic self?

Firstly – reading ALL the books and learning ALL the info is only going to get you so far.

The TRUE POWER and TRANSFORMATION comes from LIVING and EMBODYING your design.

But there are actually some important places in your chart and life that you can start to look at and actively work with these energies.

Here’s where I personally believe is a great place to get started (once you’ve got a handle on the basics of your Human Design Energy Type, Authority and Profile)


To me this HD talk for shadow work and looking at your ego. Start decondition your not self in your openness and let go of everything you are not.

Take a look at your Undefined/Open Centres:

It can be easy for you to lose touch with who you are as you take in the energy from the world around you. You can have the mistaken belief that the energy you amplify in your openness is YOU. This is how you can start to believe energetically that you are something that you are not, and try to push forward in life with energy that is not consistently there.

Look at what energies have been influencing you over the course of your lifetime. How have these energies stopped you from being the fullest expression of yourself? Deconditioning is the process of letting the energy flow through your open centres, experiencing them and cultivating wisdom about these energies, rather than trying to hold onto them.

Consciously choose to cultivate the wisdom in your openness.


These are your innate strengths and gifts, the truth of who you are. How can you actively and consciously choose to embody the highest frequency and potential of these energies daily?

Take a look at your Defined Centres, Gates and Channels:

This is the awareness piece. How are you designed? What is consistent, reliable and true for you? What energy are you constantly radiating out into the world? These are the places where you can feel ‘too much’ and hold yourself back. Awareness of your definition helps you know who you truly are and what you are here to do.

This is the magic you are here to share with the world. How can you actively and consciously choose to embody the highest potential of these energies in your chart on a DAILY basis? Step into who you truly are and activate your power within. Ground into your gifts and shine out the fullest expression of your truth.


Can you trust yourself enough to make decisions from your Authority > your Mind? Can you trust that your Soul will never lead you astray, and that the Universe is always guiding and supporting you?

Commit to your Human Design Experiment and Follow your Strategy and Authority:

This is a key piece to living your design. How much do you Trust The Universe? Can you live with enough trust to wait for the right opportunities to respond to, for your creative urges to hit and be initiated, for aligned invitations to come, and for clarity after a lunar cycle?

Start making decisions from your Authority than instead of from what your mind thinks you want. Trust (and in a way, surrendering) is what allows you to Follow Your Strategy and Authority, and live out the truth of who you are and fulfil your highest potential in this lifetime.


Transform the way you see yourself, your beliefs , your programming and the world, and discover your TRUE ESSENCE.

Transformation within:

This is about having awareness of when you are operating from old programming and habits, checking in with yourself, reflecting, and then making a new choice that is in alignment with your truth. By becoming aware of and observing the thoughts and stories you experience (rather than acting on it), you change your relationship to them.

You let go of your old stories and programming about the way things are or should be – and start to experience yourself and your life as you are. You can start to observe, see what is and isn’t yours and from there make a change – a new choice.

You discover your true essence, the person you were meant to be before the world told you to be someone else.

Are you ready to become the person you came here to be?

Just getting started with Human Design? Book in your 1:1 Human Design Reading or Order Your Personalised Human Design Guide today!

Love Nat,

Your Human Design Mentor

4/6 Sacral Generator, RAX Penetration