Your Human Design Strategy is how you create and attract opportunities for yourself. It helps show you how you are meant to navigate this world.

Each of the 5 Energy Types has their unique way of aligning to their correct path in life.

If you start to lean into following your strategy – it can be a truly transformational tool in your life! Your strategy is what allows you to come home to the alignment that is your true self.

The strategies for the 5 types are:

For Generators: Wait to Respond
For Manifesting Generators: Wait to Respond, Visualise, Inform, Take Action
For Projectors: Wait to be Recognised and For the Invitation
For Manifestors: Inform and Initiate
Reflectors: To Wait a Lunar Cycle (28 days)

When you first start to learn about Human Design, this is one of the areas where a lot of conditioning can be (which I will go into more detail on in the next few posts).

It can be a bit confusing to understand in the beginning, I see so many people (myself included when I first got started!) feeling really unsure on what the “waiting” part means.

Let me simplify it for you!

Wait to Respond

Responding to life is responding moment to moment. It’s not necessarily “waiting” – you are responding to things you see and hear all day long! You might hear something on the radio and get inspired to then take action on something – that’s a response! It’s about being aware of your body and it’s sacral responses. Do you want to use your energy in this way next – yes or no? You don’t have to go out and make all of the things happen – you let life come to you!

Waiting for the invitation

Waiting for the invitation is simply not pushing ahead with something if you haven’t been asked to. It’s having someone recognise your gifts and the value you have to offer – and asking you to share your wisdom with them. It could be subtle like a raise of an eyebrow “tell me more” , or someone’s words, a vibe, a gesture … you will learn to recognise what that feeling of “being invited” in looks like for you!

Waiting a Lunar cycle

This is for those BIG decisions. But it’s an “active” waiting – you are talking it out with your people and listening to what YOU have to say about it – which shows you how truly feel!

Initiating and Informing

Manifestors on the other hand don’t have to wait at all, you can go out and make it happen! As long as you let your peeps who will affected/in the “impact” field know what’s going on. This communication will help things run so much smoother and peacefully for you! It stabilises the energy around you to create less resistance. You can just go ahead and blaze your trail!

Your strategy is what truly helps eliminate resistance in your life and instead let things flow so much easier! It helps you use your energy in the way you are designed to express it!

When you live in alignment with your design, your aura becomes clear, and you become MAGNETIC.

This is how you create incredible aligned opportunities that are right for you! When you embody these ways, you are able to attract all kinds of magical things into your life!

You can book in directly for a 1:1 reading here or Order Your Personalised Human Design Guide (PDF) here

Love and light,
Nat xx