Why is Human Design so damn validating?

It’s because it makes you feel incredibly seen and heard on a deep soul level!

There is something SO empowering about feeling seen. It is such a gift!I know for me personally, for so long I was scared to be seen. Fear of being seen was something I was always “working through”.

I have spent so much of my life hiding, not speaking my truth, watering myself down in order to be liked, feeling unworthy, afraid to step into my power.

I couldn’t see my potential or my gifts, and even when I finally woke up to them I was still afraid to fully embody them and shine them out into the world.

Until Human Design entered my world.

Do you know what it’s like to feel invisible?

Or like no one really gets you?

Or if they did know the real you, they wouldn’t love and accept you for the REAL YOU?

What I’ve been surprised at from my recent readings (and now I’m like ohh of course!) is that the moments people connect the most, the moments where they have that lightbulb moment of WOW THIS IS ME… is not when I’m sharing their gifts and strengths.

It’s in the moments of deep vulnerability.

When we are looking at the low expression/frequency, the conditioning, the not self, the SHADOW WORK. The places where you feel like ‘something is wrong with you’.

It’s the parts of yourself that you hide

It’s the parts of you that you compare yourself with to everyone else.

Trying to be like everyone else in order to be liked, approved, and accepted. Worrying about what others will think about you. If they will judge you or call you out.

When we are holding ourselves back from expressing our fullest self because of fear of being seen- in that moment we betray ourselves.

Because we trade our authenticity for approval and put others needs first, before our own.

We stop living our life for us and the cycle of people pleasing begins.

Here’s the thing.

Every part of your chart is filled with energetic potential. There is no good or bad parts in Human Design, only different ways to embody it.

And once you become aware, you get a choice.Which do you want to embody – the high or the low expression?

This is about the freedom to be your true self.

This is giving you permission to embrace your authentic self and validate who you’ve always known you are deep down (but maybe wouldn’t admit to yourself or see.)

Knowing yourself deeply enough on this energetic soul level, to know that this is who you are here to be, so that you can follow your own unique and magical path.

Living a conscious life on your own terms and creating a life that you love!

Your authenticity becomes your superpower.

You become comfortable in your own skin.

You feel loved and accepted for who you truly are, not only by others but by YOURSELF.It’s so incredibly validating and a life changing journey!


Book a reading today!

Love and Light,

Nat xx