One the most powerful things we have done for ourselves during our time in isolation, is learning to recognise the signs that we need to take an ENERGETIC TIME OUT and actually taking it.

You might be asking yourself – an energetic say what now?

It simply means, when you are feeling overwhelmed AF, anxious, frantic or all of the above, you need to take a step back from whatever you are doing and reset your nervous system.

You might be working at home and unable to concentrate.

You might be trying to look after your kids, or helping them with their school work and you find that you are getting super frustrated.

You might be frantically trying to do ALL of the things and getting nowhere.

You know that point where everything seems like such a big deal and you feel like you can’t function? Your heart is racing, your breath is shallow, your mind is all over the place … yep these are the signs that you need to take an energetic time out.

Be compassionate to yourself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

This is simply your nervous system BEGGING YOU, for an energetic time out, to hit the pause button so that you can come back into balance.
Rest. Calm your system and then hit the reset button.

Now, this can look different for everyone.

We both personally like to take 10 mins in a seperate room to simply breathe. We do a breathwork sequence or a meditation. We find a way to get still. We have found the pressure that was building starts to melt away and dissolve with each delicious inhale and exhale.

Recognising that we need one, asking the other person to hold the fort (within reason of course!) has been a GAME-CHANGER for us!

Rather than carrying that negative energy into the rest of the day, where it builds and builds without being released (which is never fun!), we feel into as it happens, we breathe through it, let it wash over us, and then finally through us.

Taking an energetic time out – those precious 10 mins to yourself to bring yourself back to centre, to ground your energy and to hit that pause button – is REVITALISING!

There is nothing like finding stillness to find your way back to yourself.

Now this all about shifting energy and changing your state, so you can come back to centre when it all feels too much.

But I’m working from home, I’m looking after kids, I’M TOO BUSY – we hear you say.

Here’s the thing – this is only going to happen if you ASK for the time and space.

If the signs we spoke above sound all too familiar to you, and you are nodding along, saying yes I DO need this, it’s important for you to communicate this NEED to the people you are living with.

The thing is you can see all the signs that you need to hit the pause button, and yet you still keep going. Unable to slow down or take the time out. The REAL work is not only recognising that you need to do this, but knowing that you are worthy of taking this time for yourself and honouring yourself by actually slowing down.

We are both more than happy to do this for each other, to energetically hold space for the other (another powerful tactic we will share with you!) as they move through what they need to.

Cos we KNOW the human who steps back into the room is much calmer, much lighter and so much more at peace. And THAT is the kind of energy we want to be carrying into the rest of our day and evening. For each other, and for our two beautiful boys.

Of course sometimes there is something more going on – these are tumultuous times after all – (plus we are both on major healing journeys) – and 10 minutes may not be enough.

But the majority of the time we have found this to be the energetic refresh we need. We fill ourselves up so that we can give more – to each other, to our kids, to work.

*Note: For those who are living alone with young children or for those moments when you really need it but someone is not available to watch the kids – you can find stillness and presence in other ways. You might like to instead bring more presence to small moments – drinking your tea mindfully outside, or putting your feet on the earth to ground with deep breathing while your kids play around you. You are still resetting your energy, it may just be in the same room as your kids.

So next time you see the signs – ask for an Energetic Time Out

See how you feel on the other side and let us know.

If you want to learn more about how this can benefit your nervous system and more tactics to get calm and find stillness throughout your day – stay tuned! Our new offering is going to be perfect for you!

Nourishing Your Essence – always!

Matt and Nat