Let’s explore how the Not Self can show up in each of your Open/Undefined Centres.

We are constantly taking in so much energy through our Undefined areas and Open Centres in our Human Design Chart. This is where we are so incredibly impacted by the energy of the people around us.

We take in all that energy and start to identify with those emotions, ideas, identities and more as our own.

I like to think of this as ‘energetic conditioning’ and this causes us to live from our “Not Self”.

Not self refers to who you are when you are operating from a place of conditioning rather than authenticity.

The thing is we have been conditioned our whole life by our experiences and the people around us, and the Open Centres can literally map out exactly where you are most vulnerable to conditioning and where you may have had painful experiences that taught you it is not safe to be + express who you truly are.

I’ve personally found in my own Human Design journey and working with clients that these are the area’s where comparison shows up, where feeling not enough shows up.

These are the places where we tell ourselves we are inadequate and feel like we are missing something. That something is wrong with us.

This can cause you to view yourself as someone very different from who you actually are!!!

In this post, I’m exploring how the Not Self theme can show up in each Centre. I’m only exploring one theme per Centre – but please know there are MANY themes and many ways your Not Self can show up in the Centres.

I am highlighting the Not Self themes with some of my own personal interpretations, so please note how this shows up for YOU is way more nuanced than simply which Centres you have open.

It’s not taking into account your Type, your Authority, your Profile, if you have any Gates activated, what other Centres you have Defined + Undefined , if it is completely Open or Undefined etc.

In saying that – I have found that this is an amazing place to start, to get to understand some of the patterns in your life, and begin your journey of self love and acceptance for EXACTLY who you are – not who the world thinks you should be.

Keep in mind your Not Self looks different to my Not Self – and you do not need to judge or shame yourself in any way for it.

It can simply bring awareness and then acceptance for why you think, feel and act the way you do. We are all designed to be unique and this is a beautiful thing. Each part of your design has a purpose!

You are always going to experience your Not Self.

You cannot run or escape it – but you can allow it to guide you and teach you about yourself, and let it shine a light on any things that are not serving you.

Knowing your design allows you to let any self judgement melt away, and make peace with these energies within you, and know that they are always going to be a apart of you.

Your openness is where you are here to learn, grow and evolve in Earth School. This is where you learn to turn these lessons into wisdom over time – you get to be wise about how you use this energy!

The first step on that journey is becoming aware of your own personal Undefined/Open Centres and starting to witness what energy you are taking in.

From there you can start to address and work through these stories that you may be telling yourself and getting stuck in. You then have a choice on whether you want to make any changes in your life with this new awareness.

You can stop letting these Centres + your Mind override your Authority. You can start to free your mind and let your body (intuition + Authority) lead the way!

The wisdom is in discerning which of those emotions, questions, or energy are actually yours, and detaching from anything that is not.

Introducing Our Deconditioning Course ’emBODY’

That’s why we have put together ’emBODY’: a series of 6 Masterclasses that combine Human Design + Breathwork to support you in your Deconditioning Journey.

The work we do to help you align to your Human Design is like nothing you’ve ever come across before. We combine our zones of Genius – Human Design & Breathwork – to create magic – dissolving patterns, cultivating inner wisdom and rapid transformation!

This is NEXT LEVEL healing that combines the cutting edge somatic practice of Breathwork with the most empowering self awareness tool out there – your Human Design Chart – to allow you to completely step into and emBODY the person you came here to be.

Click here to find out more and get instant access to the Masterclasses.