One of the questions I receive frequently is: How did I get started with Human Design?

✨Here is my story ✨

One of my amazing friends was offering readings … I had never heard of Human Design, but something in me said YES!!!!! (little did I know it was my Sacral responding and changing my whole life!).

It was a time in my life that I was feeling stuck. I was feeling completely lost and disconnected to myself.

My dad had passed away within 4 months of Lung Cancer the year before, which was an extremely traumatic and painful experience for me. Our entire life had been uprooted. I had just given birth to my second son Theo, (he was about 8 weeks at the time I got my reading!)

I was facing a very painful truth: I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted out of life.

You see previously Matt and I were running a biz together (Essential Oils and Food Blog!). But it and our marriage was falling apart. He was going through his own trauma and his own pain, and both of us were crumbling. Nothing was flowing, I was questioning everything and feeling ready to give up!

I needed guidance and I needed direction.

When I first heard my reading it was like a VALIDATION of everyone I already knew about myself that I had been ignoring because I was stuck in low self worth, no confidence, and not feeling safe in my body.

You see, I had always felt like there was something wrong with me. That I wasn’t good at anything, I didn’t know enough, I had no value to offer the world.

I was even almost ready to settle for a mediocre life that I did not love or want because that’s what I thought I deserved.

But learning my unique Human Design showed Me that every single part of me is on purpose.

That exactly how I am is how I am meant to be.

That I DO have value and gifts to offer the world.

I Simply needed to be reminded of them.

I discovered the things I thought were wrong with me, that were my flaws, are actually my superpowers.

Once I opened my eyes to this, I began my Human Design Experiment.

I started to align to my Sacral responses – where did my energy want to go? I followed that.

I started to say no to the things I didn’t really want to do, and yes to the things I did want to!

To tune out the noise and come back to what I actually want and desire from life. To respond > initiate, to make clear, embodied decisions, to start to look at my conditioning, to realise what was important to ME, and to stop letting stories (my ego/not self!) run the show.

 had a desire to understand myself and connect with myself on a deeper level, and so I went ALL IN. This 2 year journey had lead me to some pretty magical people + places… but most importantly it lead me home to myself.

This, along with breathwork and stillness, was the most powerful tool I have ever come across to understand who I am, why am I here, why I think and feel the way I do, and how I can embody who I truly am, authentically at my core.

I healed my relationship to myself, and started to trust myself more than anything. I opened my heart up again, and let my intuition guide me.

In turn, my relationships began to heal and now our marriage and business is thriving!

I became a better communicator. I had more compassion. I had more clarity.

If you are feeling called to understand your Unique Human Design, I encourage you to LEAN INTO that feeling. There’s a reason it’s speaking to you, just like it did for me.