One of the things I absolutely LOVE about Human Design is that your chart gives you the roadmap to your soul.

It can show you when you are living in alignment, and it can also show you when you are veering off track.

Your energy type has an emotional energetic theme – your NOT SELF theme.

It can show you when you are operating from a place of conditioning > authenticity.

When you are in this energy – life can feel HARD, you can feel STUCK- you’re flowing against your energies natural current and all kinds of resistance can come up.

When we find our self in our Not self emotional theme, thats totally ok. Think of it as your body/the universe sending you a signpost, a signal for you to check in with yourself.


If you feel frustrated- are you trusting yourself? Are you responding and listening to your body (your Sacral response)


If you feel angry – are you trusting your inner guidance and honouring your innate power? Are you letting people know what you are up to?


If you feel bitter – are you recognising yourself? Do you feel worthy and believe in your gifts and the value you have to offer?


If you feel disappointed- are you embracing your fluidity and openness? Note: This is a generalised look at your not self energetic theme.

The not self can show up on SO many areas of your chart.

It’s important to me that you know you are so much more than your energy type.

But if you feel out of alignment, and these themes are coming up for you over and over – it’s a good place to start.

And while there are many many ways you can get back into alignment – some of my personal faves are meditation/breathwork, yoga, embodied dance, essential oils, grounding in the earth …. Human Design makes it super simple for us.

Follow your strategy.

When you are not sure, when you feel off track, when you feel out of alignment – follow your strategy.

Usually if we feel out of alignment we are trying to be what we are not. Eg Generators trying to initiate, Projectors not waiting for the invitation.

Following your strategy is how we come home to the alignment that is our True self.